Su Chen
Ph.D. in Statistics, The University of Texas at Austin (Summer 2020)
M.S. in Statistics, The University of Texas at Austin
B.S. in Math, Plan II, and Finance, The University of Texas at Austin
Dissertation: "Optimal Transportation and Barycenter Problems via Convex Functions"
Dissertation Advisor: Stephen G. Walker
Research Interests: Mathematical statistics, Bayesian methods, optimal transportation, decision theory, machine learning, optimization

Describe your research.
The general topic of my research is Bayesian variable selection and hypothesis testing, with a focus on theory and methodology.
What is the impact of your research?
One important theme of this work is to develop computationally efficient methodologies that also enjoy frequentist justification in the sense of strong convergence. In my opinion, the world of statistics should not be polarized as Bayesian and frequentist, and I am fascinated with work that can perhaps bridge the gap in between.
What research-related accomplishment are you most proud of and why?
The paper “Fast Bayesian variable selection for high dimensional linear models: Marginal solo spike and slab priors” I coauthored with my Ph.D. advisor professor Stephen Walker was published in Electronic Journal of Statistics in 2019. I also gave a presentation at the 2018 ISBA world meeting on this work.
What did you do before you entered the SDS Ph.D. program?
I earned my B.S in mathematics from Zhejiang University in China, and my M.S. in mathematics with focus in actuarial science from UT Austin. I am an Associate of the Society of Actuaries (ASA) and had experience working in an actuarial consulting firm before I stated in the SDS Ph.D. program.
What brought you to SDS at UT Austin?
I only applied for one Ph.D. program in statistics which is UT Austin. I always knew I would come back when I graduated with my M.S! I really enjoy the city of Austin and UT campus, it feels like my second hometown.
What is your favorite thing about SDS and/or UT-Austin?
The people, of course. I have met so many amazing people at UT, people who have been my teachers, mentors, role models, friends and extended family. They have inspired me to reach higher and dream bigger and helped me grow in various ways. I am so grateful to be part of the SDS community and a member of the longhorn family.
What are you hoping to do after graduation?
Starting this fall I will join Rice university as a teaching faculty. I will be teaching project-based courses where students can solve real data problems brought in by industrial sponsors, research institutions and community organizations. I am looking forward to all the challenges and I will keep learning and growing in this new role.