Statistics Ph.D. Dissertation Defense - Huangjie Zheng

Event starts on this day




Event starts at this time 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Virtual (view details)
Featured Speaker(s): Huangjie Zheng
Cost: Free
Implicit Distributional Matching at High Dimensionality


This 2024 Dissertation Defense will be held on Monday July 29, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with Huangjie Zheng. This event will be virtual. If you need the Zoom link, please email

Title: Implicit Distributional Matching at High Dimensionality

Advisor: Mingyuan Zhou

Abstract: In the realm of high-dimensional data generative modeling, probabilistic models often provide robust and interpretable access to generate samples by estimating distributions. With the integration of deep neural networks, these probabilistic models become even more powerful in capturing complex data distributions. However, traditional statistical methods face significant challenges in efficiently building expressive distributions; for example, Maximum-Likelihood-Estimation (MLE) based methods tend to favor mode-covering, while reverse Kullback-Leibler (KL) based methods favor mode-seeking. These challenges limit the effectiveness of deep generative models in high-dimensional contexts. This dissertation pushes the boundary of implicit distributional matching (IDM) to address these challenges.

Implicit distributional matching leverages the capacity to estimate distributions using only samples, aligning data distributions without relying on explicit functional forms, thereby enabling flexible distribution modeling with deep neural networks in high-dimensional spaces. This research focuses on accurately estimating distributions and achieving a balance between mode-covering and mode-seeking. The dissertation is organized into three parts.

In the first part, we introduce novel implicit distributional matching methods that utilize both the chain rule and Bayes' theorem to address the dilemma of mode-covering versus mode-seeking. In the second part, we connect implicit distribution matching with diffusion-based (also known as score-matching-based) generative models, demonstrating how IDM complements the mode-seeking properties of diffusion models, thereby enhancing their efficiency and performance. In the final part, we showcase the application of IDM methods in achieving accurate and robust alignment of distributions across various data modalities and tasks, such as self-supervised pretraining and domain adaptation.

The findings of this dissertation illustrate that implicit distributional matching provides a flexible and powerful solution for distribution modeling in numerous machine learning problems, significantly improving the effectiveness of high-dimensional data generative models.



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