Request for Travel Authorization


The RTA form is for faculty, staff and students associated with UT SDS.

Forms completed by people who are not affiliated with UT SDS will be ignored.

To ensure the RTA is approved before the departure date, complete your travel request at least three weeks prior for domestic travel and six weeks prior for international travel.

If the start of your travel will occur sooner than the recommended time frames -- please fill out this form and also send a separate email to SDS Administrative Staff at to let us know that you have an urgent travel request. Late RTA requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Requests submitted after the start date of travel may be denied and will require the SDS Chair’s approval.

Failure to receive the required prior-approvals or follow departmental, University and International Office policies for travel might result in the denial of reimbursement, future restrictions to UT-supported travel, and/or other penalties for unauthorized international travel.

SDS Administrative Staff will contact you when the request has been processed.

Student Travel

For students being reimbursed from departmental or faculty accounts, your supervisor or the faculty member who is funding your travel must email the following prior approval before the RTA will be processed:

“I authorize (traveler’s name) to travel to (conference name and/or description of travel) during (travel dates), using account number (xx-xxxx-xxxx).”

International Travel


If requesting international travel please familiarize yourself with UT international travel rules and policies located here. Travel to some countries require pre-approval from the International Oversight Committee (IOC).  All approvals and authorizations must be completed prior to travel.

1) All students, faculty, postdocs, and other staff are required to register trips in the International Travel Registry (ITR), prior to travelling.

2) Travel to certain international regions is restricted and is subject to approval by the International Oversight Committee. All faculty, staff and students who would like to travel to a restricted region must request restricted region travel through ISSS here.

3) If you are an international scholar/student, there may be additional considerations and concerns for traveling abroad.  Please visit the ISSS website for more information. 

4) For assistance with visas and US passports refer to the UT Austin - CIBT Visa Portal.


Request for Travel Authorization

Steps to Submit the Request for Travel Authorization:

  1. Complete the Request for Travel Authorization
  2. Upload any supporting documentation using the UTBox upload link below.

Upload documents here

Reimbursements for Travel:

Upon returning from your trip, please complete a SDS Travel Reimbursement Request and submit all receipts along with it.


The University policy for Travel Reimbursement requires the receipts be submitted within 60 days upon returning from travel. Due to IRS regulations and the Safe Harbor Rules, expenses turned in after 60 days from the trip require an attached explanation as to the reason(s) for being late. Late reimbursements will also require additional levels of approval and may be disallowed entirely or reported as taxable income to you.